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欢腾、嘶叫、哺育后休憩 Jubilation, scream, rest after feed


We are honored to announce that artist Cheng tingting, Fei yining, Huang bingjie, Xia Joey group exhibitions 'Jubilation, scream, rest after feed' will open on the 28th of Sept. in MOUart gallery.





德里达将尼采的风格比喻为马刺( éperons: Les Styles de Nietzsche),在法语里尖尖的船头和马刺是同一个词,于是作为风格的马刺是一个深深扎入海洋尔破浪的帆船,而风帆(la voile)也是面纱(le voile)。他用马刺隐喻尼采笔下的女性(真理),因为女人似乎永远只是存在于远处的面纱,真理如是。他认为不存在确定的女性(真理),或许仅仅只是“女人(真理)”们。同样,通常象征女性和真理的水果静物画也不存在确定的观看,理解和表现的真理(艺术史中的特定的);它应当如同马刺的不确切的风格一样,既是锋利的匕首,同时又是永远等待揭开的模糊面纱。




Maybe we are all barbarians who have been tattooed since Sophocles. But in the art of capitalization, there should be something other than the verticality of the lines and the smoothness of the surface. The plasticity of the style is far less than the plasticity space of all the wills... There are too many things in our minds but not enough ideograms.

- Flaubert: "The Writer's Career"

Derrida compares the style of Nietzsche to the spurs (éperons: Les Styles de Nietzsche). In French, the pointed prow is the same word as the Spurs, so the style of the Spurs is a sailboat that is deeply plunged into the ocean. The sail (la voile) is also a veil (le voile). He used the Spurs to metabolize the women (truth) in Nietzsche's words, because women seem to be only veil in the distance, and the truth is also. He believes that there is no certain woman (truth), perhaps just "women (truths)". Similarly, the fruit still life, usually symbolizing women and truth, does not have a definite view, the truth of understanding and expression (specific in art history); it should be as sharp as a spur, not only a sharp dagger, but also It is the veil of waiting forever to uncover.

Purple is a dubious color that makes the line between blue and red slim. In Alice Walker's epistolary novel, purple is endowed with women's awakening and the pursuit of independence and freedom. I hope to abstract the hidden aesthetics in this color through the intertwining and entanglement of individual narratives and objects, and therefore explore the tension between the region and civilization in the secular, lyrical, familiar and strange.

Still life has multiple meanings, directivity and symbolism. It is often present as a materialized viewing object, somewhat similar to the function of a "female model." (For some male painters, fruit may suggest naked girls.) "Watching" is actually an "autobiography of sight" that reflects the individual's taste, value, or desire, fear, and so on. The fruit theme for me, is to capture its changes (different moments, such as the apples that will be broken at dawn) to present some sense of smell and even synesthesia and imagination. At the same time, fruit also metaphorizes the state in which female images are snooped, just as Murvi said in "Fetish and Curiosity" that the female image is the "watched" side of the gaze structure, and the other is the subject of viewing.

- Cheng tingting

Rosalyn Drexler,在成为一位画家前,她是职业摔跤运动员。人们也叫她“墨西哥喷火罗莎”。她说:“If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances.(如果你从来没有感到害怕或尴尬或受过伤害,那就意味着你从来没有冒过任何风险。)”我很喜欢。


"If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances." by Rosalyn Drexler, one of my favorite artists. Known as “Rosa Carlo, the Mexican Spitfire”, she was a professional wrestler before becoming a painter.

- Huang bingjie







Joey Xia's lenticular painting conduct a discussion around time, space and the tension between the subject and the viewer. In the exhibition, four lenticular painting are hang on the wall. Each painting depicts different motifs. And they unfolds their narrative along with the movement that the viewer made in the space.

Joey's painting are accumulations of materials, colors and fused together with a mixture of handcraft-based techniques, which he sees as materials of utterance in themselves – to convey story and emotion.

- Xia Joey

技术超速发展使我们得以在同时面对无限多的异质的,极端矛盾的、爆炸式的信流,世界在这个时代坍缩挨叠挤压成了一个包裹住你的平面图像,而因为系统过于巨大,这个平面的背后有什么、它为什么是这个样貌、你将被这啸叫沸腾的巨流裹挟着去向何方等等,是个体完全无法理解与想象的。人类的大脑本身也许并不能用来吸收与处理当下这样庞大的信息量,对我来说,这个时代就好像是再次遁入矇昧与混沌的new dark age,而我像是在这异常的混乱感中为自己寻找存有的确认一样 - 在这一注定无果的过程中,为自己编造一些“物语”来消解更宏大的“物语”、制作怪物来抵挡更莫可名状的怪物。


My work is a reaction to a feeling of confusion, incompetence, and maybe despair. The advancement of technology has brought before us an infinite divergence of data streams — the world we exist in collapses into something flat and heterogeneous, and envelopes us through the enormity of the systems… but what's behind the big picture, why it is behind it, where you will be taken to, are all but utterly incomprehensible and beyond imagination. The human brain perhaps was never made to absorb and process information of this magnitude…

I believe, to some extent, we are in a new dark age. For me, making art against this background is like looking for meaning in the irregularity of noise. In this fruitless process, the fabrication of stories/narratives is like looking to the water for a trace of one's shadow, for a confirmation of one's existence.

- Fei yining


Artist: Cheng tingting


Born in 1993, Currently works and lives in Wuhan


Artist: Huang bingjie


Huang Bingjie, born in Hunan Province, China in 1994. Graduated from Hubei Institute Of Fine Arts. Now lives and works in Beijing


Artist: Xia Joey


Joey Xia (b.1992) lives and works in Shanghai. He receives a BFA in 2016 from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois.



2019-09-28 至 2019-10-29

程婷婷 费亦宁 黄冰洁 夏乔伊





